Rambler's Top100
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  About 20 years ago homosexuals were as if not exist in the USSR. And if those were found out, they were waited with greatest pleasure by psychiatrists and government servants. However, whence to undertake to homosexuals in the country where sex is not present, and should not be, and even a masturbation is declared as a terrible distortion for which hands of an juvenile criminal should be beaten, or, at the best, to intimidate to death conversations about terrible consequences of this em-ployment? The people was fucked with kissing of aged heads of states at a gangway of the plane, and to other citizens kissing was not permitted. Anyway, cinematographers were recommended to observe chastity of the Soviet screen. Our consciousness was strenuously protected from "noxious influence of the West", as if unisex love did not exist in the nature. And in the meantime destinies of people which were guilty only that … they liked each other were broke and warped. Not all have passed through prisons and hospitals, but unless to live, having hidden, and to carry a brand "a per-vert", and to risk to be the arrested person - not terribly in itself?
  It seems, this delirium - far behind, and it is time to attribute it to a dump of a history, to overlook, as dreadful and shameful dream. Fuck yourself! The voices calling again to destinies of people which were guilty only that … they liked each other sacrifice private life of separate citizens to lift birth rate, as if neither economic, nor social factors do not influence it, our medicine is at transcen-dental height, and only presence in a society of people adhering to objectionable sexual orientation, prevents us to start to breed, as rabbits.
  Among creative workers in the USSR there were many homosexuals. Certainly, it was carefully hidden, and any reflection in creativity had no and could not have. The western motion pictures de-voted to this trouble, did not reach us. There were separate attempts on something to hint, using Ae-sopian language.
  We could not see masterpieces of the same Fassbinder. Any hint on homosexuality in the art was punished.
  Paradzhanov's destiny (he has prisoned for love) is indicative. His films - are deprived homosexual subjects, but the creator has answered before the law for private life.
  Only vague hearings, gossips and conjectures were destiny of directors-homosexuals, or those who has dared to reflect this theme in creativity. Soviet Union remained the country where there is NO sex. What to speak about "perversions"?
  One of the first film-directors in Russia who have interested in gay-cinema is D.Frolov. His experi-mental works are interesting first of all to that it - a sight of a heterosexual which investigates prob-lems of mutual relations of people of same sex.
  For the first time homosexual motives have presented at his movie "The Bigmoon Nights", devoted to events of August, 1991. Thrust from the outside freedomless, the suppressed desires, not clear impulses and aspirations. In this work still there is no direct illumination of a theme of unisex love, only - thin hints, implicit associations. A mind and a step has sufficed the film-director to not inter-twine in a fabric of the politized product frank gamble. Too simply to coordinate totalitarianism to an interdiction to be oneself, using platitudes - homosexuality, the Jewish question. Especially - if to not take root into a material, proceeding more likely from logic of a myth and a sign, rather than from a reality that is supposed space of a picture. "The Bigmoon Nights" is only sheen of the non-realized, latent, latent inclinations, strange languor.
  In some years the movie "Shatanger Aylok" has been. And again the director is faultlessly correct, though is ironic. Making Oriza Trizniak's story as a movie, the author has strengthened a gay-theme, having made it main at the film. Also opens - through a meeting related not bodies, but souls. Gays in performance of heteros (D.Frolov's all actors adhere to traditional sexual orientation, that does not prevent them to have one thousand other strangenesses) are awkward, but are indefinitely touching, naive and pure.
  "The Little Sotmaid" - is other experiment. At first, it is already frank comedy, at second, an ex-periment with a triangle. What will be, if idyllic existence of pair young people, will be broken by occurrence of the woman? Certainly, heroes will find mutual understanding, at what - rather ex-travagant image.
  And the director investigates a theme of a triangle once again - in a film which is going to release in the near future. Two men, the woman, the baby. An interlacing of hands, bodies, sights. The film "The Last Supper" has not been yet, but the exhibition of sreen-devils on Pushkinskaya, 10 was al-ready been.
  Why the hetero-film-director so is interested in questions of nonconventional sexual orientation? Whether his works as realization of own subconscious propensities are, or is only desire to under-stand, comprehend and express on the screen other form of thinking, feeling, other outlook? The best films about women removing men, about violence-pacifists, about black-white. The foreign, not involved observer more often estimates an event, rather than participants of events more truly. Be-sides any director knows - the more sharply offered circumstances, the conflict, a situation, it is bet-ter for product. And if the director is gay it will be inevitable to tell about itself, about a habitual re-ality that will inevitably lower degree of an event on the screen, that, taking root in areas, the most unknown, the author appears in a reality another's, unfamiliar, all which sharp corners start to stick out in all красе. And today's our, Russian, the validity, alas, from an ideal is very far. Yes, "it is al-ready allowed" to love everybody, to live with whom it would be desirable, and openly to show the feelings. But a homophobia - the dirty which has dug in a skin of a society, it, let it is implicit, but is present at minds and acts. That the nation ceases to regard patriotism as a certain form of zhlobstvo, it is good. But under covering of fine slogans and appeals forces which aspire to not make the Na-tive land the prospering country today start to potter about, and only to destroy those who is not similar to them.
  It is thought, that struggle with a homophobia first of all - a business of heteros. Because in their heads it is dug as a nail. Means - it is necessary to try to pull out it therefrom, to analyse, find out, that it - same, basically, nasty thing as racism, and - to throw out to Hell. But, more and more time - alas, while attempts of homosexuals to prove, that they - not monsters, not perverts, and same peo-ple as all other, able as to love and hate, laugh, cry, be ill and suffer, are not welcomed by weights. Sneers, fastidiousness, aversion, silent speaks behind a back, and even - a fist of the kind good fel-low at which in a head has happened overturn both crinkles, - proud male, considering themselves have the right to teach lives of the one who did not touch him and to touch did not gather. And simi-lar - continually … At such moods in a society - it is especially pleasant, that troubles of homosexu-als are interesting not only to them, that there are people which concern to them differently, looking in eyes, instead of backs are lower.





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